Alright. We all have ups and downs. But to me this one is a new one. Yesterday I had only two important matches, in the Master Norm Turney. Sondre was taking the day of and Tommy was drunk, so i played for fun. But...i did not win one single match. I lost staggering 60 rating points straith up. I started the day as a typical 1900 guy, and ended the day as a typical mid 1800 guy! I lost 73 match points straitht up?
So what is happening. I tried to fight it, but i couldn't. If i left one single sceanrio to happend for my oppnonent, he got it! Now, if I wasn't such a superhero....i would have called Jedi Mummy and cried my guts out. Of course i did not! I have a reputation after all! I called the Vatikan instead and asked them to come over and perform a freaking EXORSISM. But due to reorganisation of the work staff at the Vatican, they could not make it until next week, so i said..."forget about it, by then i am a typically 1400 guy!" So then i was left with no other choise than calling my old contacts at Area 51. They came to my assistance at once. And to figure out what really happend here, we are performing an alien Autopsy on my alien Downswing.
The questions are, did Jedi loose his powers?, or has he just been playing to much lately? I don't know. Get ready. It is alien autopsy time:
One match against double O7 was excluded due to resume actvety.I could not figure out how to patch em toghter. So, after we put the knife to it, it is clear, that i did not play super sharp, but..not very bad eighter. I have faced unbeatable evil luck! So far during my downswing i have kept a 3.9 average Let's hope i will win a matc again..., because the downswing has not ended yet.
Gods speed everyone!
Jedi out!
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