John Mcenroe and Connors about the current 5 point battle
between JEDI & NORTY

John: Now Jimmy...this new kid....Norty
play amazingly steady from the baseline, I mean...he has almost none
unforced errors so far...
Connors: No doubt about that Macky...but go out there and face a Jedi is under no circumstances
easy... I mean...look at the statistics so far. From the baseline
Norty hits the ball as good as anybody...but still...Jedi keep
winning the sets!
John: Intresting point there Jimmy...
Now...but this is the way Jedi has to approach the game in his
current form...I mean, he cannot win against Norty from the
baseline...he has to follow up that big serve...manoeuvre into the
net....and put the preassure on...
Connors: And John, that is exactly what
we have seen today... Some exciting massive Jedi attacks leading to
gammon, set and match under very complicated circumstances...
John: Thats true Jimmy, out of the last
8 sets I think Jedi took down 6...
Connor: I mean, Jedi moves well...and
most importantly!!! He comes in!
John: And that's what people love to
see right...A comeback kid playing with heart!
Connors: U know, they say...that they
never come back....but so far...i wouldn't write of the Jedi.
John: Well you know Jimmy, if he can
stay fit, and avoid those long holding valleys...I agre with
you...but he just cannot alow Norty to take control from the
baseline....He has to keep his game brutal!
Connor: I mean this match reminds me of
when I beat you in US open in 83...
John: Well, Jimmy, luckily for you they
did not have Hawkeye back in 83...the match ball was clearly out...
Connor: Ah cm'on there Macie...sore
looser are we?
John: How could he judge that In!
Man...are you SERIOUS?
Clarck Kent: Uh guys...guys....wrong
John: Oh sorry, alright, so Jimmy the
score is very even right now...I mean, Jedi keeps taking down most
of the sets...but can he survive in the long run doing all these
unforced errors?
Connors: Absolutely not....but Jedi
have tons of battle experience...I think chances are that his shape
will only be better as the challenge go on.
John: And that big serve of his is
Connors: Absolutely John...and he needs
to continue the massive attack game...because...if he gets
passive...geez this Norty guy never gets can hit a ball
on him all day.
John: That was all we had time for now,
we will be back with new thrilling moments from this challenge later
this week, John & Jimmy says good bye for now.
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