JediMenace vs. nortyno | Next Game |
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5 point match, Score is
JediMenace: 7, nortyno: 2
JediMenace | Category | nortyno |
Expert (-0,0110) | Total Error | World Class (-0,0065) |
World Class (-0,0098) | Checker Play | World Class (-0,0057) |
Advanced (-0,0196) | Cube Play | Expert (-0,0119) |
5,49 | Performance Rating | 3,27 |
JediMenace | Game per Game | nortyno |
Advanced (-0,0197) | Game 1 | World Class (-0,0081) |
World Class (-0,0072) | Game 2 | World Champ. (-0,0039) |
World Champ. (+0,0000) | Game 3 | Advanced (-0,0178) |
World Class (-0,0084) | Game 4 | Expert (-0,0103) |
World Class (-0,0059) | Game 5 | World Champ. (-0,0026) |
JediMenace | Category | nortyno |
11(2) -0,726(-11,80%) |
Move Errors Equity lost (cost) |
8 -0,427(-6,08%) |
2(1) -0,196(-2,91%) |
Double Errors Equity lost (cost) |
2(1) -0,142(-1,19%) |
0 +0,000 |
Take Errors Equity lost (cost) |
0 +0,000 |
0 | Outplays | 0 |
13(3) -0,922(-14,71%) |
Total Error Equity lost (cost) |
10(1) -0,570(-7,27%) |
6 +3,330(+56,56%) |
Jokers Luck |
3 -3,330(-56,56%) |
Expert 5,49 |
Level of
Play Luck |
Class 3,27 |
Ait, i keep playing bad stattwise today. Can't shake it off. Dunno why. The kid is playing ok though, but he needs to learn how to win...those critical seconds where you can not be indifrent! Those seconds where life is a shadow and death...a possibillity. Me on the other hand....I stand between darkness and light. I got a sword!!!! Ait...enough talk: Lets look at the action!:
0-0 Jedi on roll, cube action?
Jedi: I own the 2 cube, and I fail to see this one. Dunno, I am to worried about my blot on the 1 point i guess.
XG: Listen, if you are worried, imagine what the ohter guy must feel facing the 4 cube? He must take this! It is double take! Not giving the 4 cube is a blunder!
Tommy behind 0-2 and on roll, cubeaction?
Jedi: Tommy cubes and I take this cube instantly, It is nothing but air. He basicly has two good numbers, 2-2 and 4-4. Tommy throws 44! That hurt!
XG: Lol, Tommy trying to find that Jedi cube right at the border. But is not close! He is so far away from the border that they don't even have Tax free!This is a cube blunder!
Summary match 10
Jedi is victorious
Tommy takes statt
Total score 8-11
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