torsdag 8. september 2011

Jedi powers up in Grandmaster qualification on IBGF

Jedis results continious to improve only 1 month after launch of comeback. The JediMenace has joined the IBGF and are now playing out a big international torney with 12 players that will face eachother in a roundrobin system twize in 13 pointers. The system litterary excludes luck, and more likely than not, the best players will prevail. Jedi is so far leading the tournament with a sound margin. Here is the group:

Last Update: 7 September 2011

MN/008IIBGF Master Norm Section 008TD Mendicino,Tara
8MEX4840002RRReza Garduño,Raúlp001211
9NOR5780009fossekalvenMålvag,Sven Eldarp011/21.51.2599
ELOp = provisional ELO

Since Jedi is in training and have decided to let anybody in on progress, setbacks, losses and victories, here are the data so far:

Names Match1 Match2
Jedi vs Dubrovnik 5.1

Jedi VS Vannilladice 3.2 3.3
Jedi vs Phyps 4.6 4.7
Jedi vs Murba 4.3 6.6
Jedi vs Lordofthedice 1.2 5.1
Jedi vs Cupsa 3.2 3.3
Jedi vs Hockeyfan 4.4

Jedis average is at this stage in the tournament 4.3. To the  Dayly Challenge Jedi comments on his play. "I am pleased with the result win wise. The statt itself is no staggering achievment, and will get better as i continioue ressurecting my game. I have lots of reading to do. I have only gone through 1/3 of the material i worked with 10 years ago. But my game is slowly returning,, the ancient incstinkts are starting to work again....and that is good."

It seems Jedi is on the rise....again.

Clack Kent.

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