lørdag 10. september 2011

The Global Jedi Challenge T-shirt lottery

The Global Jedi Challenge T-shirt lottery

We here at the "challenge" love the planet and its inhabitans, and there are currently 7 billion of us.
Therefor we have used the Random Certificated Jedi Computer to generate two lucky persons from the planet earth to receive the following  fameous T-shirt:

Between  darkness and light
The JediMenace....

And the results has just ticked in. The incredible lucky winners in fierce competition with  striking 7 billion people, based on a  random certificated generator is....wait....wait.

Earth inhibitant 1: Kathrine Langjord
Earth ingibitant 2:Fay Danielsen

The t-shirts has been washed and pressed  by current Academy students Sondre and Tommy as part of their philosofical training, and will be deliverd by our part time bicycle delivery guy, Arild Idsøe.

Qongratulations to the winners!!!!

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