søndag 23. oktober 2011

The Rulette Experiment: Conclusion!

Alright. My hypothesis about  the Rulette hitting red with an unusal rate during 100 games was not supported at all. In fact it hit black the most during the experiment. I then sat XG on rolling out all our games. When he had analysed about 250 games my house suffered a electrical power loss, then the J.E.D.I computer network got an blue screen. It crashed and burned! This have never happend before. I had to buy a new laptop! Well, that was not the worst thing that could happend. It was old...and needed to rest!

Anyway, last time i checked the profile it said that the rulette indeed hit red more often than black. The numbers idicated that I had not been very lucky,  but  it was not outside any x-file parameters. Meaning...It was no X-file!  In other words, nothing out of the ordianry eccept being unlucky inside acceptable frames. Due to my computer crash not all the games got analysed. I think i missed out on about 80-100 games.

I also checked what XG said about dice distribution, and all paramters checked out ok.

So, since everything comes down  to the numbers..., my hypothesis did not hold up and Xristos won the t-shirt. He has still not claimed it though.

I can only conclude that this is another example that the human psycology is fragile. Fox Mulder needs Scully (XG) and visa versa.

So not only did Xristos win against me. His games also fried my computer! Thats a bad week!

I still own a spaceship though!!!

onsdag 19. oktober 2011

The Rulette Experiment: Part 2

Ait. It looks like Xristos wins the T-shirt.

After 90 games the strenght is equal and luck is ignisificant. Atlantis is 3 points up.So moneywise...we both got screwed, and Play was the big winner.

No matter what happens in the 10 following games, nothing abnormal can happend with the numbers.

So my hypothesis about the rulette hitting Red with an unusual target rate was not supported, at least concerning the 100 games that originally was the experiment.

I will how ever just for fun analyse all the previous games to see if the numbers change radically. How ever in the framework i put for this experiment 100 games, i was wrong. The only thing i really prooved was my own paranoia!

So Xristos. Please send you adress to me at pedersengeir@live.no  and I will send you the T-shirt as promised. It's a quality T-shirt, no cheap stuff!

You won it fair and square!


The Rulette Experiment: Part one


I started playing backgammon again after almost 5 years in retirement. I got back on play65 and started playing this Xristos guy among others. Now...I just couldn't win....and i lost kind of big. So i figured, lets put it to a test.

Atlantis Hero


Xristo B52, or as i like to call him, the good greek doctor. Dr. House!

I use XG. This experiment only covers 100 games. I realize now that a 100 games might be a far to small sample when it comes to cash games, and i might expand this experiment to include lets say a 1000 games.

Before these 100 games, i had not won a single session against Xristos. What can be a flaw to my method is that i notifed Xristos about the experiment before we started playing the ongoing 100
games. I will therefore also analyse all previous games where i consistantly lost, to see if there are critical changes after i went public with this experiment.

Results so far after 74 of 100 games are played are:

Xg concider us quite equal in strenght. Since i have not asked Xristos if it is ok to use his PR i will hide this information partly:

I played on x, 56
Xristos on x,63

So there were no difference in strenght.

Then we go to the luck for these 74 games: The luck shows an ignisificant result on 0.0019

Atlantis Hero won 14 points in this session.

This does of course not support my hytotheses, and if these results stay valid i will have to send Xristos the famous T-shirt with the incsprition:

I Wish I Was 
A JEDI....

How ever. I will now start to include all the previous games, to see if critical changes have occured after i went public with this. The fact that i made the survey public before we played...has of course made the validity of the survey a bit shaky.

When all games are played i will publish the results together with previous games. We will also go in detail and see what XG says about the Dice Distribution, and the anslyze process concerning the distribution.If there are any irragularitis with the dice distribution analyses, i will ask a proffesor in statistical siences at the universeity of Tromso what these numbers really means.

I wish you all well.

Jedi out!

fredag 14. oktober 2011

The Rulette Experiment! Xristos B52

Ait dear followers. My first statistical survey is comming up.
On Play65 my nick is Atlantis Hero. As you all know, i am all about the truth. I have nothing against conspiracy theories...because...it's a lot of truth in them. Well....On Play 65 i keep playing this Xristos B52, We have played hundreds of games. Always small sessions, because i simply can't afford playing the guy. Not becaues he is better than me...i think...but he is defintely more luckier. In fact his win rate indicates that he must be the best player in the world i think. So let's put it to the test.

My hypothesis is a Rulette example. As you all know there is 50% chanse that you hit eigher black or red. My hypothesis with Xristos is how ever, that in 100 games the Rulette will hit Red an unusual prosentage! It''s as simple as that. Now we alredy have played hundreds of games, so i already know that i have been VERY unlucky, so it will be intresting to see if it continues. I have made Xristos aware of this statisitcal survey, and that can of course compromise the survey, eighter that he stopps playing me, or that i suddenly starts winning.

Well, I am all about sience. As you know they just found particles traveling faster than light...meaning...i've been right all these years. You guys can't even spell time travel.

I willl start posting matches. I will also put all the games i have in the past against Xristos on Batch Analyse. I mean, a player with such a winrate deserves some recognition. Maybe he is the best in the world!

Anyway...i think its gonna be expensive as i loose about 50 in average every time i play him, but....anything for some exitement. If the experiment shows that i am wrong, nothing would make me happier, and Xristos has qualified for the famious T-shirt that looks like this:


A JEDI....

onsdag 12. oktober 2011


LAS VEGAS OPEN, 9'th of november!

So far, from Norway following academy players are going:

Jim is going (Andre Larsen)

JEDI is going (Geir Pedersen)

BE AWARE...Sin City is under Jedi Attack...We leave no blots behind....

tirsdag 11. oktober 2011

Clarcks Corner: Norway Invaded Polen!!!

The Jedi's X-Wing squadron Prevailed!!!!

At 22.00 Polen resigned due to complete air control from Norways X-Wing Brigade. On the picture you can see Geir leading on the crusade over Polen closely followed by JK, Sondre and Tommy that just got his X-Wing license! 

Tommy actually won a match!!!! And by doing so he secured the Norwegian Invation. More strange though....the Jedi lost a match! Yes...we have checked the game file and the security video of the match three times....Jedi lost!!! But the rest of the team stood up...and Norway is now in the top division of the Nations Cup. 

We can actually pull this one through!

Clarck Kent

mandag 10. oktober 2011

Word from the Menace

Ait...It has been a couple of weeks with dead water due to the Norwegian Championship. The challenges will soon be back up and running. The Nations Cup is in progress. Norway is currently in 7'th postition of 35 before the current round against Polen. Norway is leading the match 2-1 and it is all up to the kid....Again! Will we tie it....or win it? Tommys winrate has to improve! Other News is that the Las Vegas Trip in November has been confirmed. Jedi Troops will attack the sin city in about 3 weeks, just around the Las Vegas open!

We leave no blots behind.

mandag 3. oktober 2011

Clarcks Corner: Sonrik Norwegian Champion!!!

It did not take long time after Sondre was touched by Academy ways...before it gave results! After being in heavy battle training with the Menace himself for months...Sonrik pulled a striking best career perfomance. He went all the way in the Norwegian Championship. The Challenge qongrats! The Jedi himself put following statement out to the press: "Sometimes it takes years and years to make a player understand his weaknesses. In this this case, it went smooth. The training made him aware when to attack...and when to stand down. That last part...took a while, but he got it eventually. Sondre was prepared... And when you are prepared...then you can win"

It is also clear that Sondre qualified for the immensely rare T-shirt only owned by a small number of extreemly priveliged people, including among others...Jon Kristian Røiset, Samson Hoiigard and...yes...Arild Idsoe. The T-shirt looks like this:

"The Menace...is my mentor"

Clarck Kent